Dear Living Disciples,

It was a joyful, divine blessing to be with you on the eve of Master’s mahasamadhi anniversary. We will always cherish it in our hearts. You have our sympathies that your program was cut short by world affairs. Go with our Masters’ love and protection. May you take this recording of They Have Heard Thy Name as a sustaining gift during this time when divine health and healing are needed for all bodies, minds and souls.

In God and Guru,
Alex, Dhananjaya, Matthew, Prakash, Prashad, Sagar, Tadhg

Paramhansa Yogananda’s cosmic chant: They Have Heard Thy Name


They have heard Thy name,
The blind, halt and lame.
They have come to Thy door, Lord, they have come to Thy door.
Give them an audience, Lord.

They have heard Thy name,
The blind, halt and lame.
Those who are in despair, wipe Thou their tears.
They have come to Thy door, Lord, they have come to Thy door.
Give them an audience, Lord.

They have heard Thy name,
The blind, halt and lame.
Those who are drowned in sin, to whom will they go?
They have no one, Lord, they have no one.
Do not turn them away.