The Ananda Monastic Order was founded by Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of the Indian master, Paramhansa Yogananda. Ananda monks and nuns practice a “bliss-affirming” approach to renunciation, as opposed to the old life-negating approach.

They live the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda as a means of fulfilling the final goal of all souls: divine freedom or moksha.

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In the lead up to the monsoons at the hermitage, preparations began for planting trees and cover crops.It involved digging pits, removing weeds and bringing manure (cow dung). The cover crop i.e. green manure was planted in areas where no development was going on as a way to give back to the land. These nitrogen fixing crops known as Dhaincha and Guar help bring nutrients back to soil which was abused in the past by chemicals.

The first tree planting phase of this hermitage was majorly for the northern and eastern perimeter, it involved 112 trees in 2 rows and the number of varieties was 24. These trees will provide blessings, shade, privacy, protection from winds along with medicinal uses. They will give company to the existing trees on the hermitage property- 1 Peepal, 1 Jamun, 6 Neem trees and an enthusiastic mulberry!

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    All the trees ready for planting
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    Devarshi in midst of dhaincha (cover crop)
  • Monks tree planting

    Monks planting a kadamb tree

Hermitage Blessing Event

Affirmations for Self Healing